发表时间:2016-06-15 阅读次数:12117次
  1. 蔡志杰,碎纸片拼接复原的数学模型与方法,高等数学研究,2016,19(4):107-110.
  2. 潘克家、汤井田、杜华坤、蔡志杰,轴对称地层中高分辨率阵列侧向测井信赖域反演法,地球物理学报,2016,59(8):3110-3120.
  3. 蔡志杰编译,韩中庚审校,重力输水系统,数学建模及其应用,2016,5(3):31-44.
  4. 葛皓月,林艺璇,蔡志杰曹沅,红树林自然保护区湿地生态系统的数学模型及其应用,数学建模及其应用,Vol.5,No.2,16-24,2016。
  5. Chen, Bo-Yong; Fu, Siqi. Stability of the bergman kernel on a tower of coverings. Journal of Differential Geometry, 104(2016), no.3, 371-398.
  6. Chen, Bo-Yong. Parameter dependence of the bergman kernels. Advances in Mathematics, 299(2016), 108-138.
  7. Meng Chen; Qi Zhang. Characterization of the 4-canonical birationality of algebraic threefolds, II. Math. Z. 283 (2016), no. 3-4, 659–677.
  8. Meng Chen; Chen Jiang. On the anti-canonical geometry of Q-Fano 3-folds.  J. Diff. Geom, 104 (2016), 59–109.
  9. Chen, Wenbin; Gunzburger, Max; Sun, Dong; An efficient and long-time accurate third-order algorithm for the Stokes-Darcy system. Numerische Mathematik, 134(2016), no.4, 857-879.
  10. Chen, Wenbin; Liu, Yuan; Wang, Cheng. Convergence analysis of a fully discrete finite difference scheme for the cahn-hilliard-hele-shaw equation. Mathematics of Computation, 85(2016), no.1, 2231-2257.
  11. Wang, Lingdi; Chen, Wenbin; Cheng, Jin. Analyses and applications of the second-order cross correlation in the passive imaging. Communications in Computational Physics, 19(2016), No.5, 1191-1220.
  12. Chen, Wenbin; Wang, Fang; Wang, Yanqiu. Weak galerkin method for the coupled darcy-stokes flow. Ima Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36(2016), no.2, 897-921.
  13. Qian, Yinzhong; Chen, Wenbin; Shen, I-Fan. Action recognition from pose signature in static image. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 30(2016), no.3.
  14. Wenbin Chen; Yuan Liu; Cheng Wang; Steven Wise. An optimal-rate convergence analysis of a fully discrete finite difference scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw equation, Mathematics of Computation, 85 (301), 2016, 2231-2257.
  15. Wenbin Chen; Yongxiang Liu; Xuejun Xu. A robust domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation with high wave number, ESAIM: M2AN, 50(3) (2016), 921-944.
  16. Cheng, Jin; Isakov, Victor; Lu, Shuai. Increasing stability in the inverse source problem with many frequencies. Journal of Differential Equations, 260(2016), no.5, 4786-4804.
  17. Liu, Xiwei; Chen, Tianping. Global exponential stability for complex-valued recurrent neural networks with asynchronous time delays. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 27(2016), no.3, 593-606.
  18. Wenlian Lu; Xiwei Liu; Tianping Chen. A note on finite-time and fixed-time stability. Neural Networks, 81 (2016) 11–15
  19. Lu, Wenlian; Zheng, Ren; Chen, Tianping. Centralized and decentralized global outer-synchronization of asymmetric recurrent time-varying neural network by data-sampling. Neural Networks, 75(2016), 22-31.
  20. Yi, Xinlei; Lu, Wenlian; Chen, Tianping. Centralized event-triggered control for linear multi-agent systems. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2016 CCDC), 225-230.
  21. Yi, Xinlei; Lu, Wenlian; Chen, Tianping. Distributed event-triggered consensus for multi-agent systems with directed topologies. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2016 CCDC), 807-813.
  22. Lin, Zongzong; Lu, Wenlian; Chen, Tianping. Quasi-synchronization of linearly coupled dynamical networks with directed structure via decentralized event-triggered diffusions. 2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), 209-214.
  23. Qing Ding. Bounded harmonic functions on complete matnifold of nonpositive, Proceeding of the 6th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians ALM37, pp.69-78
  24. Dong, Yuxin; Lin, Hezi; Yang, Guilin. Liouville theorems for f-harmonic maps and their applications. Results in Mathematics, 69(2016), no.1-2, 105-127.
  25. Yuxin Dong; Ye-Lin Ou. Biharmonic submanifolds of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, Journal of geometry and physics,112(2017)252-262
  26. Zhao, Peng; Fan, Engui; Luo, Lin. Quasiperiodic solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation via the multidimensional Baker-Akhiezer function generated by the Broer-Kaup hierarchy. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 435(2016), no.1, 38-60.
  27. Chen, Min; Chen, Yang; Fan, Engui. Perturbed hankel determinant, correlation functions and painleve equations. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57(2016), no.2, 31 pp.
  28. Chen, Yang; Fan, Engui; Yuen, Manwai. The Hopf-Cole transformation, topological solitons and multiple fusion solutions for the n-dimensional burgers system. Physics Letters A, 380(2016), no.1-2, 9-14.
  29. Xiao, Yu; Fan, Engui. A riemann-hilbert approach to the harry-dym equation on the Line. Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B, 37(2016), no.3, 373-384.
  30. Xu, Jian; Fan, Engui; Chen, Yang. Large N-limit for random matrices with external source with three distinct eigenvalues. Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 5(2016), no.2, 1650005.
  31. Xu Jian; Fan Engui. Initial-boundary value problem for integrable nonlinear evolution equation with 3 x 3 Lax Pairs on the Interval, Studies Appl Math, 136 (2016): 321-354
  32. Fu, Jixiang; Yau, Shing-Tung; Zhou, Wubin. On complete constant scalar curvature kahler metrics with Poincare-Mok-Yau asymptotic property. Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 24(2016), no.3, 521-557.
  33. Gao, Weiguo; Leng, Jing; Zhou, Xiang. Iterative minimization algorithm for efficient calculations of transition states. Journal of Computational Physics, 309(2016), 69-87.
  34. Guo KunYu; Wang XuDi. Reducing subspaces of tensor products of weighted shifts. Science China-Mathematics, 59(2016), no.4, 715-730.
  35. Hua, Bobo; Lin, Yong. Curvature notions on graphs. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 11(2016), no.5, SI, 1275-1290.
  36. Atay, Fatihcan M.; Hua, Bobo. On the symmetry of the laplacian spectra of signed graphs. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 495(2016), 24-37.
  37. Lei, Zhen. Global well-posedness of incompressible elastodynamics in two dimensions. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 69 (2016), no. 11, 2072–2106.
  38. Gu, Xumin; Lei, Zhen. Local well-posedness of the three dimensional compressible Euler-Poisson equations with physical vacuum. J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 105 (2016), no. 5, 662–723.
  39. Lei, Zhen; Navas, Esteban A.; Zhang, Qi S.. A priori bound on the velocity in axially symmetric Navier-Stokes equations. Comm. Math. Phys. 341 (2016), no. 1, 289–307.
  40. Lei, Zhen; Lin, Fang-Hua; Zhou, Yi. Structure of helicity and global solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 218 (2015), no. 3, 1417–1430.
  41. Lei, Zhen; Sideris, Thomas C.; Zhou, Yi. Almost global existence for 2-D incompressible isotropic elastodynamics. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), no. 11, 8175–8197
  42. Li, Hong-Quan; Sjogren, Peter; Wu, Yurong. Weak type (1, 1) of some operators for the laplacian with drift. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 282(2016), no. 3-4, 623-633.
  43. Zhuang, Kaili; Li, Tatsien; Rao, Bopeng. Exact controllability for first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems with internal controls. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(2016), no.2, 1105-1124.
  44. Li, Tatsien; Rao, Bopeng. Criteria of kalman's type to the approximate controllability and the approximate synchronization for a coupled system of wave equations with dirichlet boundary controls. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(2016), no.1, 49-72.
  45. Li TaTsien. From phenomena of synchronization to exact synchronization and approximate synchronization for hyperbolic systems. Science China-Mathematics, 59(2016), no.1, 1-18.
  46. Li, Tatsien; Rao, Bopeng. Exact synchronization by groups for a coupled system of wave equations with dirichlet boundary controls. Journal De Mathematiques Pures Et Appliquees, 105(2016), no.1, 86-101.
  47. Li, Tatsien; Rao, Bopeng. A new approach for the approximate synchronization for a coupled system of wave equations: Direct and indirect controls. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 354(2016), no.10, 1006-1012.
  48. Long Hu; Tatsien Li; Peng Qu. Exact boundary synchronization for a coupled system of 1-d quasilinear wave equations. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 22 (2016) 1163–1183.

  49. Li Tatsien; Wang Ke; Gu Qilong. Exact boundary controllability of nodal profile for quasilinear hyperbolic systems. Springer Briefs in Mathematice, Springer, 2016.

  50. Guo, Yao; Lin, Wei; Ho, Daniel W. C.. Discrete-time systems with random switches: From systems stability to networks synchronization. Chaos, 26(2016), no.3, 15 pp.
  51. Lan, Kunquan; Lin, Wei. Uniqueness of nonzero positive solutions of laplacian elliptic equations arising in combustion theory. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 21(2016), no. 3, 849-861.
  52. Leng, Siyang; Lin, Wei; Kurths, Juergen. Basin stability in delayed dynamics. Scientific Reports, 6(2016).
  53. Yu, P.; Lin, W.. Complex dynamics in biological systems arising from multiple limit cycle bifurcation.Journal of Biological Dynamics, 10(2016), no.1, 263-285.
  54. Cao, Jinde; Hu, Guoqiang; Lin, Wei. Networked dynamical systems 2016. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 4145918(2016).
  55. Liu, Xian-Gao; Min, Jianzhong; Wang, Kui. Serrin's regularity results for the Incompressible liquid crystals system. Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(2016), no.10, 5579-5594.
  56. Su, Huan; Xu, Feng; Lu, Shuai; Iterative ADMM for inverse FE-BI problem: A potential solution to radio tomography of asteroids. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(2016), no.9, 5226-5238.
  57. Zheng, Ren; Yi, Xinlei; Lu, Wenlian; Tianping Chen. Stability of analytic neural networks with event-triggered synaptic feedbacks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 27(2016), no.2, 483-494.
  58. Wenlian Lu; Mario di Bernardo. Contraction and incremental stability of switched Carathéodory systems using multiple norms. Automatica 70 (2016) 1–8.
  59. Lu, Wenlian; Atay, Fatihcan M. Local Pinning of Networks of Multi-Agent Systems With Transmission and Pinning Delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(2016), no.9, 2657-2662.
  60. Liu, Bo; Lu, Wenlian; Jiao, Licheng; a New Approach to Self-triggered Consensus Analysis in Networks with Switching Topologies. Proceedings of the 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2016 CCDC), 220-224.
  61. Kuroki, Shintaro; Lu, Zhi. Projective bundles over small covers and the bundle triviality problem. Forum Mathematicum, 28(2016), no.4, 761-781.
  62. Lü, Zhi; Panov, Taras. On toric generators in the unitary and special unitary bordism rings. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 16 (2016), no. 5, 2865–2893.
  63. Lü, Zhi; Wei Wang. Examples of quasitoric manifolds as special unitary manifolds, Math. Res. Lett. 23 (2016), no. 5, 1475-1490
  64. Jiming Ma. Hyperbolicity of 3-trip Lorenz knots. Topology Appl. 212 (2016), 57–70.
  65. Mu, Gui; Qin, Zhenyun; Chow, Kwok Wing. Localized modes of the Hirota equation: Nth order rogue wave and a separation of variable technique. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 39(2016), 118-133.
  66. Mu, Gui; Qin, Zhenyun. Dynamic patterns of high-order rogue waves for Sasa-Satsuma equation. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 31(2016), 179-209.
  67. Ma, Wen Xiu; Qin, Zhenyun; Lu, Xing. Lump solutions to dimensionally reduced -gKP and -gBKP equations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 84(2016), no. 2, 923-931.
  68. Qiu, Weiyuan; Yang, Fei; Yin, Yongcheng. Quasisymmetric geometry of the cantor circles as the julia sets of rational maps. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(2016), no.6, 3375-3416.
  69. Levin, Genadi; Przytycki, Feliks; Shen, Weixiao. The Lyapunov exponent of holomorphic maps. Inventiones Mathematicae, 205(2016), no.2, 363-382.
  70. Xiaolin Huang; Lei Shi; Johan A. K. Suykens. Solution path for pin-svm classifiers with positive and negative τ values, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
  71. Jiang, ManMan; Su, WeiXu. Convergence of earthquake and horocycle paths to the boundary of Teichmuller space. Science China-Mathematics, 59(2016), no.10, 1937-1948.
  72. Papadopoulos, Athanase; Su, Weixu. Thurston's metric on teichmuller space and the translation distances of mapping classes. Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-Mathematica, 41(2016), no.2, 867-879.
  73. Changhai Liao; Jun Tao; Xuan Zeng; Yangfeng Su; Dian Zhou; Xin Li. Efficient spatial variation modeling of nanoscale integrated circuits via hidden markov tree, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 971-984, 2016.
  74. Zhelun Yu; Jincheng Su; Fan Yang; Yangfeng Su; Xuan Zeng; Dian Zhou; Weiping Shi. Fast compressive sensing reconstruction algorithm on FPGA using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. In Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016 IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 249-252. IEEE, 2016.
  75. Qicheng Huang; Xiao Li; ChenleiFang; FanYang; Yangfeng Su; Xuan Zeng. An aggregating based model order reduction method for power grids. Integration, the VLSI journal, 55, 449–454, 2016.
  76. Handi Yu; Jun Tao; Changhai Liao; Yangfeng Su; Dian Zhou; Xuan Zeng; Xin Li. Efficient statistical analysis for correlated rare failure events via asymptotic probability approximation. IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), p. 18, 2016. (EI)
  77. Changhai Liao; Jun Tao; Xuan Zeng; Yangfeng Su; Dian Zhou; Xin Li. Efficient spatial variation modeling via robust dictionary learning. IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), pp. 121-126, 2016. (EI)
  78. Changhai Liao; Jun Tao; Handi Yu; Zhangwen Tang; Yangfeng Su; Dian Zhou; Xuan Zeng; Xin Li. Efficient hybrid performance modeling for analog circuits using hierarchical shrinkage priors, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2016.
  79. Ding Lu; Yangfeng Su; Zhaojun Bai. Stability analysis of the two-level orthogonal arnoldi procedure. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 37, no. 1 (2016): 195-214.
  80. Hu, Ying; Tang, Shanjian. Multi-dimensional backward stochastic differential equations of diagonally quadratic generators. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 126(2016), no. 4, 1066-1086.
  81. Tang, Shanjian; Wei, Wenning. On the cauchy problem for backward stochastic partial differential equations in holder spaces. Annals of Probability, 44(2016), no.1, 360-398.
  82. Sun, Wenxiang; Tian, Xueting; Vargas, Edson. Non-uniformly hyperbolic flows and shadowing. J. Differential Equations 261 (2016), no. 1, 218–235.
  83. Tian, Xueting. Different asymptotic behavior versus same dynamical complexity: Recurrence & (ir) regularity. Advances in Mathematics, 288(2016), 464-526.
  84. Catsigeras, Eleonora; Tian, Xueting. Dominated Splitting, Partial hyperbolicity and positive entropy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(2016), no.9, 4739-4759.
  85. Wang, Jun; Chen, Zongxuan. Limiting Direction and Baker Wandering Domain of Entire Solutions of Differential Equations. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 36(2016), no.5, 1331-1342.
  86. Ding, Jie; Wang, Jun; Ye, Zhuan. Growth of meromorphic solutions to some complex functional equations. Computational Methods and Function Theory, 16(2016), no.3, 489-502.
  87. Upmeier, Harald; Wang, Kai. Dixmier trace for Toeplitz operators on symmetric domains. Journal of Functional Analysis, 271(2016), no.3, 532-565.
  88. Diagne, Mamadou; Shang, Peipei; Wang, Zhiqiang. Well-posedness and exact controllability for the mass balance equations of an extrusion process, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 39 (2016), no. 10, 2659–2670.
  89. Cui, Yan; Wang, Zhiqiang. Asymptotic stability of wave equations coupled by velocities. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 6(2016), no.3, 429-446.
  90. Hu, Long; Wang, Zhiqiang. On boundary control of a hyperbolic system with a vanishing characteristic speed. Esaim-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 22(2016), no.1, 134-147.
  91. Diagne, Mamadou; Shang, Peipei; Wang, Zhiqiang. Feedback stabilization for the mass balance equations of an extrusion process. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(2016), no.3, 760-765.
  92. Li, Ming; Ren, Changyu; Wang, Zhizhang. An interior estimate for convex solutions and a rigidity theorem. Journal of Functional Analysis, 270(2016), no.7, 2691-2714.
  93. Guan, Pengfei; Wang, Zhizhang; Zhang, Xiangwen. A proof of Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem for convex surfaces in R-3. Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-Analyse Non Lineaire, 33(2016), no.2, 329-336.
  94. Stanimirović, Predrag S.; Živković, Ivan S.; Wei, Yimin. Neural network approach to computing outer inverses based on the full rank representation. Linear Algebra Appl. 501 (2016), 344–362.
  95. Wei, Yimin; Xie, Pengpeng; Zhang, Liping. Tikhonov regularization and randomized gsvd, Siam journal on matrix analysis and applications, 37, 649-675, 2016
  96. Ding, Weiyang; Wei, Yimin. Solving multi-linear systems with –tensors, Journal of scientific computing, 68, 689-715, 2016
  97. Zivkovic, I.; Stanimirovic, P. S.; Wei, Yimin. Recurrent neural network for computing the outer inverse. Neural Computation 28, 970–998 (2016).
  98. Wang Xuezhong; Wei Yimin; Stanimirovic, P. S. Complex neural network models for time-varying drazin inverse. Neural Computation, 28, 2790–2824 (2016)
  99. Xie, Pengpeng; Wei, Yimin. The stability of formulae of the gohberg-semencul-trench type for moore-penrose and group inverses of toeplitz matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 498(2016), 117-135.
  100. Che, Maolin; Qi, Liqun; Wei, Yimin. Perturbation bounds of tensor eigenvalue and singular value problems with even order. Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 64(2016), no.4, 622-652.
  101. Sun, Lizhu; Zheng, Baodong; Wei, Yimin. Characterizations of the spectral radius of nonnegative weakly irreducible tensors via a digraph. Linear & Multilinear Algebra, 64(2016), no.4, 737-744.
  102. Li, Hanyu; Wei, Yimin; Yang, Yanfei. New rigorous perturbation bounds for the cholesky-like factorization of skew-symmetric matrix. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 491(2016), 83-100.
  103. Zhang, Xiaobo; Xu, Qingxiang; Wei, Yimin. Norm estimations for perturbations of the weighted moore-penrose inverse. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 6(2016), no.1, 216-226.
  104. Che, Maolin; Qi, Liqun; Wei, Yimin. Positive-definite tensors to nonlinear complementarity problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 168(2016), no.2, 475-487.
  105. Diao, Huai-An; Wei, Yimin; Qiao, Sanzheng. Structured condition numbers of structured Tikhonov regularization problem and their estimations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 308(2016), 276-300.
  106. Wang, Wei-Guo; Wang, Chern-Shuh; Wei, Yi-Min. Mixed, componentwise condition numbers and small sample statistical condition estimation for generalized spectral projections and matrix sign functions. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 20(2016), no.2, 333-363.
  107. C. Li; T. J. Xiao. A note on the IBVP for wave equations with dynamic boundary conditions, Bound. Value Probl. 2016, 2016:34, 9 pp.
  108. Z. Jiao; T. J. Xiao. Acoustic wave motions stabilized by boundary memory damping, Appl. Math. Lett. 57 (2016), 82-89.
  109. Z. Jiao; T. J. Xiao. Convergence and speed estimates for semilinear wave systems with nonautonomous damping, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 39 (2016), 5465-5474.
  110. Cavaterra, Cecilia; Rocca, Elisabetta; Wu, Hao. Global strong solutions of the full navier-stokes and q-tensor system for nematic liquid crystal flows in two dimensions. Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 48(2016), no.2, 1368-1399.
  111. Wu, Xinming; Zheng, Weiying. An adaptive perfectly matched layer method for multiple cavity scattering problems. Communications in Computational Physics, 19(2016), no.2, 534-558.
  112. Jiao, Zhe; Xiao, Ti-Jun. Acoustic wave motions stabilized by boundary memory damping. Applied Mathematics Letters 57 (2016), 82-89.
  113. Miao, P.; Tam, L.-F.; Xie,N.. Quasi-local mass integrals and the total mass, J Geom Anal (2016).doi:10.1007.s12220-016-9721-z
  114. J.Karkowski; P.Mach; E.Malec; M.Pirog; N.Xie. Rotating systems, universal features in dragging and antidragging effects, and bounds of angular momentum, Phys. Rev. D 94, 124041(2016)
  115. Ding, Qi; Jost, J.; Xin, Y. L.. Existence and non-existence of area-minimizing hypersurfaces in manifolds of non-negative ricci curvature. American Journal of Mathematics, 138(2016), no.2, 287-327.
  116. Ding, Qi; Jost, Juergen; Xin, Yuanlong. Minimal graphic functions on manifolds of nonnegative ricci curvature. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 69(2016), no.2, 323-371.
  117. Liu, Hua Qiao; Xin, Yuan Long. Some results on space-like self-shrinkers. Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series, 32(2016), no.1, 69-82.
  118. Jost, Juergen; Xin, Yuan Long; Yang, Ling. The geometry of grassmannian manifolds and bernstein-type theorems for higher codimension. Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore Di Pisa-Classe Di Scienze, 16(2016), no.1, 1-39.
  119. Ding, Qi; Xin, Y. L.; Yang, Ling. The rigidity theorems of self shrinkers via gauss maps. Advances in Mathematics, 303(2016), 151-174.
  120. Guo, Bao-Zhu; Xu, Yashan; Yang, Dong-Hui. Optimal actuator location of minimum norm controls for heat equation with general controlled domain. Journal of Differential Equations, 261(2016), no.6, 3588-3614.
  121. Jungong Xue; Ren-Cang Li, Highly accurate doubling algorithms for M-matrix algebraic riccati equations, Numer. Math.DOI 10.1007/s00211-016-0815-0
  122. Liu QiHuai; Li XinXiang; Yan Jun. Large time behavior of solutions for a class of time-dependent hamilton-Jacobi equations. Science China-Mathematics, 59(2016), no.5, 875-890.
  123. Su, Xifeng; Wang, Lin; Yan, Jun. Weak kam theory for hamilton-jacobi equations depending on unknown functions. Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems, 362016), no.11, 6487-6522.
  124. Wang, Kaizhi; Yan, Jun. Lipschitz dependence of viscosity solutions of hamilton-jacobi equations with respect to the parameter. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(2016), no.3, 1649-1659.
  125. Liu, Qihuai; Wang, Kaizhi; Wang, Lin; Yan, J, A necessary and sufficient condition for convergence of the Lax-Oleinik semigroup for reversible Hamiltonians on R-n, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS,10(2016),no.261,2016(10), 5289-5305

  126. Yang, Wei Hong; Han, Deren. Linear convergence of the alternating direction method of multipliers for a class of convex optimization problems. Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis, 54(2016), no.2, 625-640.
  127. Wei, Hejie; Yang, Wei Hong. A Riemannian subspace limited-memory SR1 trust region method. Optimization Letters, 10(2016), no.8, 1705-1723.
  128. Shen, Chungen; Zhang, Lei-Hong; Yang, Wei Hong. A filter active-set algorithm for ball/sphere constrained optimization problem. Siam Journal on Optimization, 26(2016), no.3, 1429-1464.
  129. W. H. Yang; Lei-Hong Zhang; Chungen Shen. Solution analysis for the pseudomonotone secondorder cone linear complementarity problem, Optimization, 2016
  130. Yuan, Xiaoping; Zhang, Jing. Averaging principle for the kdv equation with a small initial value. Nonlinearity, 29(2016), no.2, 603-656.
  131. Cong, Hongzi; Liu, Jianjun; Yuan, Xiaoping. Stability of KAM tori for nonlinear schroedinger equation. Memoirs of The American Mathematical Society, 239(2016), no.1134
  132. Li, Liping; Ying, Jiangang. Regular subspaces of skew product diffusions. Forum Mathematicum, 28(2016), no.5, 857-872.
  133. Wang, Zhaolong; Zhang, Guohua. Chaotic behavior of group actions. Dynamics and Numbers, Contemporary Mathematics, 669(2016), 299-315.
  134. Wen Huang; Danylo Khilko; Sergii Kolyada; GuohuaZhang. Dynamical compactness and sensitivity, J. Differential Equations 260 (2016), 6800-6827.
  135. Huang, Min; Xu, Shuai-Xia; Zhang, Lun. Location of poles for the hastings-mcleod solution to the second painlev, equation. Constructive Approximation, 43(2016), no.3, 463-494.
  136. Liu, Dang-Zheng; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Lun. Bulk and soft-edge universality for singular values of products of Ginibre random matrices. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat. 52 (2016), no. 4, 1734–1762.
  137. Horst, Ulrich; Qiu, Jinniao; Zhang, Qi. A constrained control problem with degenerate coefficients and degenerate backward spdes with singular terminal condition. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(2016), no.2, 946-963.
  138. Chuan Chen; Michael K. Ng; Shuqin Zhang. Block spectral clustering methods for multiple graphs, Research Article,2016
  139. Yi Zhang. Mumford compactification of siegel variety from the viewpoint of K¨ahler-Einstein metric, Proceedings of the 6th International, Congress of Chinese Mathematicians ALM36, pp. 541–555
  140. Sun, Yongzheng; Li, Wang; Zhao, Donghua. Realization of consensus of multi-agent systems with stochastically mixed interactions. Chaos, 26(2016), no.7, 073112.
  141. Peng, Weimin; Zhou, Yi. Global well-posedness of axisymmetric navier-stokes equations with one slow variable. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 36(2016), no.7, 3845-3856.
  142. Yin, Silu; Zhou, Yi. Global existence of radial solutions for general semilinear hyperbolic systems in 3D. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 433(2016), no.1, 49-73.
  143. Lai, Ning-An; Zhou, Yi. Nonexistence of global solutions to critical semilinear wave equations in exterior domain in high dimensions. Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 143(2016), 89-104.
  144. Lin, Yurui; Zhang, Huali; Zhou, Yi. Global smooth solutions of MHD equations with large data. Journal of Differential Equations, 261(2016), no.1, 102-112.
  145. McCormick, David S.; Olson, Eric J.; Robinson, James C.; Rodrigo, Jose L.; Vidal-López, Alejandro; Zhou, Yi. Lower bounds on blowing-up solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in H˙3/2, H˙5/2, and B˙5/22,SIAM J. Math. Anal. 48 (2016), no. 3, 2119–2132.
  146. Chen, Hai; Zhou, Zi-Xiang. Global explicit solutions with n double spectral parameters for the myrzakulov-I equation. Modern Physics Letters B, 30(2016), no.29, 1650358.


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